Hiring cheap movers can be tempting, especially when you’re trying to save money during a move. However, it’s crucial to avoid hiring cheap movers for several reasons:

Poor quality service:

Cheap movers often cut corners to keep their prices low. They may lack proper training, experience, and equipment necessary for a smooth and efficient move. As a result, you may end up with subpar service, damaged belongings, or even lost items.

Lack of professionalism:

Cheap movers may not prioritize professionalism or customer satisfaction. They may arrive late, handle your belongings carelessly, or exhibit unprofessional behavior. Dealing with such movers can be stressful and frustrating.

Hidden costs:

Cheap movers often entice customers with low upfront prices but add hidden costs later. They may charge extra fees for services that should be included, such as packing materials, moving equipment, or even the distance traveled. These hidden costs can quickly add up, making the overall cost of the move more expensive than anticipated.

Limited or no insurance coverage:

Reputable moving companies typically offer insurance coverage to protect your belongings during the move. Cheap movers may not provide adequate insurance or any coverage at all. If your items get damaged or lost, you may not be compensated for the full value, leaving you with a financial loss.

Security concerns:

When you hire cheap movers, you’re essentially entrusting strangers with your personal belongings. They may not undergo proper background checks, which could pose security risks. Additionally, their lack of professionalism and accountability may increase the chances of theft or mishandling of your items.

Lack of reliability and accountability:

Cheap movers may not prioritize your move or adhere to agreed-upon schedules. They may cancel at the last minute, reschedule frequently, or fail to show up altogether. Dealing with unreliable movers can cause significant disruption and delays in your moving plans.

To ensure a smooth and successful move, it’s advisable to research and hire reputable and experienced moving companies, even if their prices are slightly higher. Investing in quality movers will provide peace of mind, professional service, and protection for your belongings throughout the moving process.

Moving can be a challenging task for anyone, but it can be particularly overwhelming for seniors. As trusted Edmonton movers, we understand the unique needs and considerations involved in relocating seniors. In this comprehensive guide, we will share valuable tips and insights to help make the moving process smoother and more comfortable for your loved ones. From careful planning to specialized services and emotional support, let’s explore some of these essential strategies!

Start with Thorough Planning

Effective planning is the foundation of a successful move to Edmonton. Start by creating a detailed checklist that includes tasks such as decluttering, organizing important documents, and notifying relevant parties of address changes. Consider the senior’s specific needs, such as accessibility requirements or healthcare arrangements, and incorporate them into the plan. Begin the process well in advance to allow ample preparation time and reduce stress during the transition.

Downsizing and Decluttering

Moving presents an excellent opportunity for seniors to downsize and declutter their belongings. Encourage them to sort through their possessions and determine what to keep, donate, or sell. This process not only helps reduce the physical items to be moved but also ensures a fresh start in their new home. Offer support and understanding during this emotional task, as some older adults may have sentimental attachments to certain items.

Seek Professional Assistance

Hiring professional Edmonton movers experienced in varying types of relocations can significantly ease the moving process. Look for movers who specialize in assisting seniors and provide services tailored to their unique needs. These services may include packing, loading, unloading, and even helping with furniture arrangements in the new home. Entrusting the physical aspects of the move to professionals allows seniors to focus on the emotional aspects of transitioning to a new chapter in their lives.

Consider Accessibility and Safety

When moving seniors, it’s crucial to consider accessibility and safety in their new homes. Ensure the new residence meets their mobility requirements, such as having grab bars in bathrooms or wheelchair ramps if necessary. Plan the layout of furniture and belongings with easy navigation in mind, avoiding cluttered pathways. By prioritizing these aspects, you can help your loved ones feel more comfortable and secure in their new living space.

Coordinate Healthcare Needs

If the senior has ongoing healthcare needs, it’s vital to coordinate with healthcare providers during the move to Edmonton. Notify doctors, specialists, and pharmacies of the upcoming relocation and ensure a seamless transition of medical records and prescriptions. Additionally, research and establish relationships with healthcare professionals in the new area to ensure continuity of care. Taking proactive steps in this regard will provide the individuals moving with peace of mind and ensure their health needs are met.

Emotional Support and Familiarity

Moving can be an emotional experience for seniors as they leave behind familiar surroundings and cherished memories. Offer emotional support throughout the process, listening to their concerns and validating their feelings. Encourage them to stay connected with friends and family by helping set up new communication methods or organizing visits. Additionally, recreate familiar elements in their new home, such as displaying cherished photographs or incorporating acquainted furniture, to foster a sense of comfort and familiarity.


Moving seniors requires a thoughtful and compassionate approach. By implementing these tips and enlisting the help of professional Edmonton movers, you can ensure a smoother and more comfortable transition for older adults. Remember to prioritize thorough planning, downsizing, and seeking specialized assistance while considering accessibility, safety, and emotional support. With the right strategies in place, you can facilitate a successful move and help seniors embrace their new home with joy and confidence!

Moving can be a daunting task, but with a little preparation and utilizing our stress-free moving company YEG Movers, the process can be as smooth as possible. Keep the following tips in mind when packing for your move, and you’ll be moving like a pro in no time! And if you have any questions or concerns about your move, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team. We would be more than happy to help!

Moving can be a stressful and expensive experience, especially when you are moving to a new city like Edmonton. Budgeting for a move requires careful planning and preparation to ensure that you spend your money wisely. Fortunately, with the right approach, you can keep your moving expenses within your budget and even save some money. In this blog post, we will share some tips on budgeting for your move and finding the right Edmonton movers for your needs!

edmonton movers

Start By Creating a Comprehensive Moving Budget

The first step in budgeting for a move in Edmonton is to create a comprehensive moving budget. This should include all the expenses you’ll incur, such as packing supplies, transportation, and any fees associated with your move. By setting a budget, you’ll be able to prioritize your expenses and avoid overspending. A good way to start is by listing all the tasks involved in your move and then estimating the cost for each one. This way, you can clearly understand your expenses and make adjustments as needed.

Research Edmonton Moving Companies

When looking for Edmonton movers, it’s important to do your research. Look for companies with good reputations and positive customer reviews. Get quotes from several different companies so that you can compare prices and services. Remember to ask about any hidden fees or charges that may not be included in the initial quote. You can also ask friends and family for recommendations or check online review sites for feedback from previous customers.

Declutter Before You Move

Before you start packing, it’s a good idea to declutter your home and get rid of any items you no longer need. The less you have to move, the lower your overall moving costs will be. Consider selling or donating items you no longer need to help offset the cost of your move. You can also have a garage sale or use online marketplaces to sell your items. This way, you can get rid of unwanted items and earn some extra cash in the process.

Pack Efficiently

Packing efficiently can also help you save money on your move. Use boxes you already have, or ask friends and family for extra boxes. Label your boxes clearly so that your Edmonton movers can quickly and easily identify which room they belong in. If you’re packing fragile items, use towels or blankets to wrap them rather than buying expensive packing materials. You can also pack some things in your car instead of the moving truck to save space and money.

Consider the Timing of Your Move

The timing of your move can also impact your budget. If you’re flexible, consider moving during the off-season when rates may be lower. Avoid moving on weekends or holidays when rates may be higher. You can also save money by booking your Edmonton movers in advance, as last-minute bookings can be more expensive. By planning ahead, you can take advantage of discounts and deals that can help you save money on your move.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, moving to a new city like Edmonton can be daunting, but with careful planning and preparation, you can make it a stress-free and affordable experience. By following these tips, you can budget for a move in Alberta while finding the right Edmonton movers for your needs. Remember to plan ahead, do your research, and be flexible. With the right approach, your move is sure to be a success!

Moving can be a daunting task, but with a little preparation and utilizing our stress-free moving company YEG Movers, the process can be as smooth as possible. Keep the following tips in mind when packing for your move, and you’ll be moving like a pro in no time! And if you have any questions or concerns about your move, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team. We would be more than happy to help!

Moving can be a stressful experience for anyone, but it can be especially challenging when you have children. As a family, it’s important to make the transition as smooth as possible to minimize stress and anxiety. If you’re moving to or from Edmonton, Alberta, there are a few tips you can follow to make the process easier. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the best tips for moving with children as a family in Edmonton, including how to choose the right Edmonton movers for your needs.

Tip #1: Plan Ahead

One of the most important things you can do to make your move to Edmonton go smoothly is to plan ahead. This means starting the process as early as possible, so you have plenty of time to research movers, organize your belongings, and prepare your children for the move. If possible, start planning at least two months in advance, so you can avoid any last-minute stress.

Tip #2: Involve Your Children in the Process

Moving can be a scary and confusing experience for children, especially if they’re leaving their friends and familiar surroundings behind. To help ease their anxiety, involve your children in the moving process as much as possible. This can include letting them pack their own belongings, helping them say goodbye to friends, and even letting them choose their new bedroom decor.

Tip #3: Choose the Right Edmonton Movers

Choosing the right movers is crucial when you’re moving with children. You want a company that is reliable, trustworthy, and experienced in handling family moves. Look for Edmonton movers with a good reputation, positive reviews, and a track record of successful family moves (like us!) 

Tip #4: Pack a “Survival Kit”

Moving day can be chaotic, so it’s a good idea to pack a “survival kit” for your children. This can include snacks, drinks, entertainment (such as books or games), and any comfort items they may need, like a favourite toy or blanket. Having these items on hand can help keep your children occupied and happy during the move.

Tip #5: Prepare for Your New Neighbourhood

Finally, make sure you and your children are prepared for your new neighbourhood in Edmonton. This can include researching local schools, parks, and activities, so you can start planning fun things to do as a family. You may also want to consider joining local parenting groups or online communities to help you connect with other families in the area.

In conclusion, moving with children can be challenging, but with the right preparation and mindset, it can also be an exciting adventure for your family. By planning ahead, involving your children in the process, choosing the right Edmonton movers, packing a survival kit, and preparing for your new neighbourhood, you can help make your move to or from Edmonton a success. Remember, moving is a big change, but it can also be an opportunity to create new memories and experiences as a family.

YEG Edmonton Movers are your Edmonton movers with more. We offer a wide variety of services, such as packing and unpacking, condo and apartment moving services, senior moving, commercial and office moving, long-distance moving, heavy-equipment, specialty, and piano moving, as well as junk removal and storage assistance- we even offer moving supplies. We are Edmontons moving company: as trusted home movers in Edmonton, we understand your needs. We are proud to serve Sherwood Park, St. Albert, Spruce Grove, Beaumont, Stony Plain, Leduc and beyond. Call us today to find out how we can help you move.

Moving can be a stress-free experience if you plan ahead and follow some simple tips. Here are five of the most important things to keep in mind when moving:


What should you pack for a move?

1. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as what you need will vary depending on your move. However, some essentials you’ll likely need are boxes, packing tape, bubble wrap, and storage containers.

2. Make a list of all the items you’ll be taking with you and pack them in advance so there’s less stress when the time comes. This will also help you avoid packing in haste and forgetting something important.

3. Be prepared for traffic congestion and unexpected expenses – don’t forget to budget for moving fees!

4. Do your research and find a moving company that is reputable and has a good reputation. This will help you avoid any surprises and headaches down the road.

5.Set realistic expectations for moving time and budget and moving can be a long, tiresome process – make sure you have realistic expectations for how long it will take and what your moving costs will be. Here are some tips on packing efficiently to save money on your move:

6. Be strategic about where you pack things – pile items high near the door of your storage container so they’re easy to grab when preparing to pack them up, and group similar items together

edmonton moving company

Tips for packing a car for a move

To make the process as smooth as possible, follow these 5 tips:

1. Start by creating a packing list of the essentials you’ll need for your move. This will include things like clothes, bedding, kitchen appliances, etc.

2. Make sure to pack all of your belongings in organized boxes or bags. This will make loading and unloading the moving truck much easier.

3. Label each item with its specific location in the house so you can easily find it during loading and unloading.

4. Estimate how much space each piece of furniture will take up, and factor that into your packing strategy.

5. If you have any special requests or needs related to moving, call your moving company ahead of time so they can prepare for the move accordingly!
edmonton moving company

How long does it take for a move to complete?

First and foremost, move times can vary depending on the size and weight of your belongings, as well as where you’re moving to. Most moves take between one and two days, but it can take longer during busy periods or when the movers are backed up. To minimize stress during a move, be sure to pack everything correctly and plan ahead. Additionally, set realistic expectations for how long it will take – don’t expect a move to be completed in just one day! Finally, please note that moving companies YEG Movers offer a free moving estimate so that you can get an idea of how much your move will cost. We hope these tips have helped and that moving day is just around the corner!


What to do if you have questions or concerns about the move?

First and foremost, make sure to call the moving company YEG Movers at 825-522-0024 if you have any questions or concerns about your move. They will be able to help you with everything from packing to unpacking your belongings. Another great tip is to make a list of all of the items you’ll need before the move and pack them as carefully as possible. This will help minimize the amount of time you spend unpacking. Also, take pictures of everything – from the packing lists to your new home – so you can remember everything once it’s moved in. And last but not least, have fun moving day!


Contact YEG Movers today

Moving can be a daunting task, but with a little preparation and utilizing our stress-free moving company YEG Movers, the process can be as smooth as possible. Keep the following tips in mind when packing for your move, and you’ll be moving like a pro in no time! And if you have any questions or concerns about your move, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team. We would be more than happy to help!’

edmonton moving company

It’s time to face the fact that moving day is close at hand! Whether you’re moving into a new home or moving out of your current one, there are plenty of things you need to do in order to make the process as smooth as possible. From cleaning the house to filling up all the utility connections to getting insurance coverage, this list has everything you need to get started. And if there are any additional tasks that you think would make your move even smoother, don’t hesitate to add them! Celebrating your new home finally arriving is an essential part of the process – make sure you don’t miss a thing! If you are seeking the best and most affordable move contact YEG Movers today! We can help! (825) 522-0024


1.Cleaning the house

Moving day is almost here, and one of the last things you want to do is spend hours cleaning the house. There are plenty of tasks that can be done in preparation, like cleaning your windows and gutters, picking up any loose garbage or dishes, wiping down all surfaces, emptying the trash and recycling bins, changing the sheets on all beds and mattresses, moving furniture away from walls and doors (except for TVs), and checking light fixtures. Make sure to replace door locks, and last but not least, clean up!


2.Preparing the furniture

Before your moving day arrives, make sure to do the following:

– Remove any objects that may block or damage the moving truck during transport.

– Make sure all furniture is completely cleared of packaging, tape, and labels.

– Protect valuable pieces of furniture with padding or boxes before loading them into the truck.

– Arrange large items into groups so they won’t take up too much space and waste time re-arranging them once they’re in your new home.

– Remove any hazardous materials (paint, cleaners) from the area prior to arrival – you don’t want anything dangerous spilling onto your new flooring!

– If there are any electrical cords running near walls or floors, be sure to label each one as it will need to be unplugged when moved.


3.Replacing all the utilities in the home

There’s nothing like the excitement of moving day, is there? However, before the big day arrives, there are a few things you need to do to make the process run as smoothly as possible. Make a list of all the utilities you’ll be replacing, have those services transferred to your new address, and make sure to disconnect all cables and remove any furniture that may obstruct the installation crew. If there are any pipes in the walls or ceilings that need to be fixed, have them fixed before the movers arrive. Finally, arrive well-rested and prepared for an arduous day – rushing will only make things more complicated for everyone involved. Have fun packing up your belongings and crossing everything off your to-do list!


4.Buying insurance for the move

Moving day is almost here, and it can be a nightmare if you don’t have the right preparations done. That’s why it’s important to buy insurance before your move. It can cover any damages that may occur, from broken windows to lost items. Make sure to choose the right type of insurance for your needs. You may want to consider personal liability insurance if you are moving for work, or property damage insurance if you are moving for personal reasons. Once you have chosen your insurance, it’s important to read the policy thoroughly so you know what is and is not covered. Get moving! The sooner you start packing, the sooner your move will be over!

edmonton moving company

5.Organizing your files and documents

Moving is a big process, but it can be made a lot easier with a little preparation and organization. Make sure to clean up your office and declutter any unnecessary items before moving day. Next, upload all of your important documents to a secure cloud service. This will save you time and hassle on moving day. Additionally, declutter every nook and cranny in your home – you’re likely to find hidden files and pictures you didn’t know about! Finally, plan ahead by packing boxes appropriately for each room. This will help you move faster and avoid any damage to your new home.


6.Making copies of important documents

There’s no need to stress out about moving day – YEG Movers have got your covered! By following these 10 tips, you’ll be prepped and ready to go in no time. For starters, make copies of important documents like the deed, mortgage, and lease. This will help avoid any last-minute complications. Additionally, organize all your moving-related materials into boxes or bags. This will make packing and moving a lot smoother. Next, decide where you’re going to store your items while you’re waiting for movers. This will help avoid any last-minute hassles. Finally, get a head start on packing by filling up containers with clothing, bedding, and other essentials that won’t fit in boxes or luggage. And don’t forget to bring along a basic kitchen set-up so you can cook meals while you wait for your movers. With a little bit of preparation and good guidance from YEG Movers, moving day will be a breeze!

edmonton moving company

7.Packing your belongings and preparing them for transport

It’s almost time to pack your bags and head off on your new adventure! Before you do, make sure to prepare everything in advance by packing it securely and separating related items. Label all boxes and bags with your name, address, and the contents inside. While packing is a tedious process, it can be made a lot easier by following a packing plan. Additionally, get in touch with a moving company to get rates and availability – this way you won’t have any surprises on moving day! And last but not least, make sure to get organized before you leave. This will help you speed up the packing process and make sure that everything goes smoothly on moving day!


8.Arranging to have the new home inspected

Moving day is finally here! But before you pack your last box, there are a few things you should do to make the process as smooth as possible. One of the most important things you can do is arrange for an inspection of the new home before you move in. This will help to avoid any surprises and ensure that all appliances and fixtures have been properly installed and tested. Additionally, be sure to pack your belongings carefully and make a final walk-through with your movers two or three days before moving day to make sure everything is going as planned. Finally, don’t forget to take some time to enjoy your new home before settling in – it’s going to be a long road ahead!


9.Contacting all your new neighbors

Moving day is finally here! But before you hit the road, it’s important to take some basic steps. One of which is contacting all your new neighbors to make sure everything is going to plan. Make sure to have a copy of your lease and any documentation related to the move – like insurance policies. Make sure to communicate with each other during the process, keeping everybody updated on progress and problems. Finally, be prepared – know what you’re packing, where you’re going to park, and how long it will take to get everything moved in. Good luck!

edmonton moving company

10.Celebrating your move!

Evolution says that humans are the only species that move from one place to another. And moving is an emotional process, to be celebrated and commemorated. That’s why it’s important to take all the necessary steps before your big move day. Make a checklist of everything you need to take with you, and plan out each step of the process. Make sure to have a playlist of your favourite moving tracks ready to go, or create some unique mementos to remember your new home. And last but not least, have breakfast at your new home – it’s tradition!


YEG Movers has you covered!

Contact us today at YEG Movers for your next move. We offer affordable solutions with an experienced team that is suitable for any move in or around the city of Edmonton or Alberta. We service various locations so be sure to look at our location list here. YEG Movers offers many services to suit all your needs such as:


Office moving

Residential Moving


Senior Moving

And much more. Contact us today or book online with our online form.

edmonton moving company


Are you ready to move? If so, make sure to check out our blog for a list of essential things to do before your moving day. From packing your belongings to arranging for inspections, we have you covered! In addition, we’ve included a list of tips on how to celebrate your move once it’s all done. Ready to get moving? Let us help you get started! Contact YEG Movers today for the best and most affordable move yet! (825) 522-0024